Lecturers (Listed Alphabetically)

  • Adams –
  • Cole –
  • Giunta –
  • Holmes –
  • McNatt –
  • Ritchie –
  • Sutherland –


James Luther Adams - 1950
Richard Allen - 1987
The Candle That Carries the Light
Khoren Arisian - 1987
J.A.C. Fagginger Auer - 1946
Joseph Barth - 1956
Joseph A. Bassett - 1980
George Kimmich Beach - 1999
Kennneth Beldon – 2011
Composing Our Unitarian Universalist Future: Where Are We Now, What's Possible, What's Next?
Eliza Blanchard, with Stephanie Paulsell - 2006
Colin Bossen - 2019
How Can Unitarian Universalists Respond to Populism?
Peter Bowden - 2013
Ministry in the Age of Collaboration: Faithful Practices and Principles
Kate Braestrup - 2014
Men, Women & Children: Loving One Another in a Complicated World
Howard Brooks - 1945
Seth R. Brooks - 1962
John Buehrens - 2011 – 2012
What Was and Is Required
Wallace Bush - 1968
Laurie Bushbaum - 1996
Edward Cahill (talk delivered by Stephen Fritchman) - 1945
Victor Carpenter - 2001-02
Victor Carpenter - 1983
H. Stewart Carter - 1961
John Ruskin Clark - 1981

Cyrus - Greeley

Walton E. Cole - 1942
John W. Cyrus - 1966
A. Powell Davies - 1943
Earl Davis - 1944
Frederick May Eliot - 1953
Janos Erdo - 1982
Norman D. Fletcher - 1944
Arthur Foote - 1946
Arthur Foote - 1959
Charles C. Forman - 1979
Charles C. Forman and Carl Scovel - 1989
Dr. Stephen Furrer – 2011 –2012
What Was and Is Required: Three Forums on the Renewal of Unitarian Universalism in the 21st Century
Max Gaebler - 1991
Erwin Gaede - 1987
Lancelot A. Garrard - 1963
Paige Getty – 2011 –2012
What Was and Is Required: Three Forums on the Renewal of Unitarian Universalism in the 21st Century
C. Scot Giles - 1994

Giunta - Hoehler

Joseph H. Giunta - 1945
Charlotte Gordon, poet and  biographer of Ann Bradstreet, speaking with  Rev. Rosemary Lloyd - 2006
Dana McLean Greeley - 1955
Andrea Greenwood - 2013
Sticking with Stories: Unitarianism and the Creation of Children's Literature
V. Emil Gudmundson - 1980
William Haney - 1998
Rob Hardies - 2011
Composing Our Unitarian Universalist Future: Where Are We Now, What's Possible, What's Next?
Donald S. Harrington - 1971
Mark W. Harris - 2008
Unitarian Universalism and Class
A Faith for a Few?
Kim K. Crawford Harvie -2003
The Arlington Street Church
Eric Haugan - 1988
John F. Hayward - 1960
Ralph N. Helverson - 1967
Richard Henry - 1999
Phillip Hewett - 1972
Herbert Hitchen - 1943
Harry Hoehler - 1975
Harry Hoehler -1968

Holmes - MacLauchlan

Frank O. Holmes - 1947
Earl K. Holt III -1984
Earl K. Holt III - 2003
History of King's Chapel
Duncan Howlett - 1945
Duncan Howlett - 1978
Doris Hunter - 1977
Alexander St. Ivanyi - 1949
Homer A. Jack - 1987
Paul S. Johnson - 2010
A Theology of Personal and Societal Transformation: The Bicentennial Legacy of James Freeman Clarke
Matthew Johnson-Doyle - 2011 – 2012
What Was and Is Required: Three Forums on the Renewal of Unitarian Universalism in the 21st Century
Stephen Kendrick - 2016
Kosmos: Remembering a Future for Unitarian Universalism
Stephen Kendrick - 2003
History of First and Second Church of Boston
Richard Kellaway
Conrad Aiken and T.S. Eliot: Ministers’ Progeny Gone Away (astray)!
David Keyes - 1997
John Kielty - 1959
Naomi King - 2013
Ministry in the Age of Collaboration: Congregations in a Hyper-connected Generous World
Walter Donald Kring - 1971
John H. Lathrop - 1944
Edward Lynn - 1992
John MacLauchlan - 1969

McNatt - Ritchie

Rosemary Bray McNatt - 2011
Composing Our Unitarian Universalist Future: Where Are We Now, What's Possible, What's Next?
Rosemary Bray McNatt - 2017
Historical and Future Trajectories of Black Lives Matter and Unitarian Universalism
Samira K. Mehta - 2018
The Religiously Complex Congregation in the Religiously Complex World
Jack Mendelsohn - 1964
Csaba Mezei - Fall 2016
Thomas Mikelson - 1993
Virgil Murdoch - 1975
John Nichols - 1986
Thomas Owen-Towle - 2002-03
Save the Males: Changing Men Changing the World
Charles E. Park - 1951
Charles E. Park - 1947
Stephanie Paulsell, with Eliza Blanchard - 2006
Leslie T. Pennington - 1952
Larry Peers - 2011
Composing Our Unitarian Universalist Future: Where Are We Now, What's Possible, What's Next?
Palfrey Perkins - 1954
Roy D. Phillips - 1995
Anthony B. Pinn - 2021 Spring
Overlooked and Despised: Lectures on a Humanist Re-Thinking of Biblical Outsiders
Qiyamah Rahman - 2020
Summoning Our Sheroes
Maria Racz - Fall 2016
Norbert Racz - Fall 2016
Mark Morrison-Reed - Spring 2017
Historical and Future Trajectories of Black Lives Matter and Unitarian Universalism
Peter T. Richardson - 2005 – 2006
Meg A. Riley - 2011 – 2012
What Was and Is Required: Three Forums on the Renewal of Unitarian Universalism in the 21st Century

Robbins - Storer

Susan Ritchie - 2011 – 2012
What Was and Is Required: Three Forums on the Renewal of Unitarian Universalism in the 21st Century
Susan Ritchie - 2009
Children of the Same God: Unitarianism in Kinship with Judaism and Islam
Wallace Robbins - 1961
Christine Robinson - 2011
Composing Our Unitarian Universalist Future: Where Are We Now, What's Possible, What's Next?
Floyd Ross - 1958
J. Frank Schulman - 1981
William F. Schulz - 2021
The Coming Good Society
Carl Scovel - 1976
Carl Scovel - 2019
A Tale of Two Kingdoms
Carl Scovel and Charles C. Forman - 1989
Carl Seaburg - 1989
Marilyn Sewell - 2011
Composing Our Unitarian Universalist Future: Where Are We Now, What's Possible, What's Next?
Neil Shadle - 1991
William G. Sinkford - 2011 – 2012
What Was and Is Required: Three Forums on the Renewal of Unitarian Universalism in the 21st Century
Edwin Slacombe - 1944
Vanessa Southern - 2011
Composing Our Unitarian Universalist Future: Where Are We Now, What's Possible, What's Next?
Dorothy T. Spoerl - 1962
Robert Storer - 1956

Sutherland - Zwerling

Malcolm R. Sutherland, Jr. - 1956
Branden Thornhill-Miller - 2007
The Experience of Religious Varieties:
Psychology of Religion for the 21st Century
Ted E. Tollefson - 1990
Jacob Trapp - 1957
Von Ogden Vogt -1948
Nate Walker - 2011 – 2012
What Was and Is Required: Three Forums on the Renewal of Unitarian Universalism in the 21st Century
Victoria Weinstein - 2006
Alice Blair Wesley -2000
The Lay and Liberal Doctrine of the Church: The Spirit and the Promise of Our Covenant
Robert T. Weston - 1958
George Hunston Williams - 1965
Rhys Williams - 1986
Prescott B. Wintersteen - 1974
Philip Zwerling - 1985